Expert Invest is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers/users/service hirers and to keeping the personal and financial information secure. We herewith disclose our privacy practices and encourage you to read our privacy statements to understand our policy.

Information collected by Expert Invest and how it is used

This website does not collect personally identifiable information about you except when you specifically and knowingly provide it. Expert Invest may make use your personally identifiable information to operate the sites and services and to inform you of new features, services, and products from Expert Invest and its affiliates. At any time you may also stop the delivery of informational or promotional mail from Expert Invest by following the instructions on the mail. Protection of each clients’/investors’ personal / financial information is a foundation of customer trust and forms a part of Expert Invest’s sound business principles and practice. Expert Invest restricts access to personal/financial information to those who require it to develop, support, offer and deliver products and services to you.

Expert Invest has taken all necessary and reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the customer information and its transmission through the World Wide Web / internet. However, Expert Invest or any of its associates/employees/partners cannot be held liable for disclosure of the confidential information when in accordance with this Privacy Commitment or in terms of the agreements. In the course of using this website or availing the products and services vide the online application forms, inquiries, feed-backs, subscriptions, and questionnaires, Expert Invest and its Affiliates may become privy to the personal information of its customers, including information that is of a confidential nature.

Expert Invest may disclose personally identifiable information if required to do so by law or in good-faith belief that such action is necessary to (i) conform to the edicts of the law or comply with legal process served on the site or its owners; (ii) protect and defend the rights or property of the site-owners, the site or the users of Expert Invest and (iii) act under exigent circumstances to protect the personal safety of users Expert Invest the site, its owners, or the public.

Other Websites

The Expert Invest and its associate/group sites doesn’t own any other website other than

Other Sources:

Expert Invest may collect public and non-public information/details (personal, financial, etc.,) about you from any of the following sources for its lawful business / operational purposes:

  • You or your authorized agents through application form (information/details like name, address, birth date, income, etc.)
  • Financial information such as bank account details (e.g. bank account number, cheque details, etc.)
  • Risk profile, investment selection, beneficiary information etc.,
  • Any other documentation supporting the above information/details

Data Sharing

Expert Invest may share any clients’/investors’ information (personal / financial, etc.,) with the following parties, in connection with and as may be necessary for the conduct of Expert Invest’s business/operations:

  • With the Registrar & Transfer Agent/s (RTA) of various Mutual Funds/other Issuers, Banks and / or authorised external third parties/intermediaries or any other service provider who are involved in transaction processing, dispatches, printing/marketing etc. of clients/investors investment in any products, unless any investor/ unit holder have specifically written to Expert Invest to refrain from sharing such information with such parties;


  • Any regulatory/administrative/legislative authority and/or with the Expert Invest for compliance with any legal, statutory or regulatory requirements and/or to verify the identity of clients/investors for complying with anti-money laundering/KYC requirements and/or under any applicable laws for the time being in force and/or for the purpose of data storage.

Expert Invest shares such aforesaid information to the aforesaid service providers (e.g. RTA, Banks, etc.) under strict confidentiality and only on a ‘need to know basis’ and for the purposes of lawful functioning of Expert Invest’s business / operations.

Expert Invest sends the account statements or financial information pertaining to the clients/investors to be sent over the internet and only through a secure mode. Expert Invest also ensures that the parties to whom such aforesaid information/data is shared have confidentiality provisions and high levels of security practices, controls and procedures to ensure its protection.

Notwithstanding anything contained, Expert Invest shall not be responsible / liable, either directly or indirectly, for the authenticity/accuracy of the personal / financial information or any other data/information submitted by you and/or for its misuse, not attributable to the acts of Expert Invest, at any time and in any manner whatsoever. In case you feel that any information/data provided by you is inaccurate / deficient or requires updating, then you shall ensure to correct/amend such information/data as soon as possible by getting in touch with us. Expert Invest will at all times endeavor to handle transactions efficiently and to resolve any investor grievances promptly.

Expert Invest reserves the right to modify sections of this Privacy Policy at any time without giving any prior notice. Please check this Policy from time to time for any changes.

Notify Us

If at any time you believe that Expert Invest or its users/members have not adhered to these principles, please notify us by e-mail at and we will use all commercially reasonable efforts to promptly determine and correct the problem.